Please check the information below to see answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the IGCSE options process.

Can I do fewer than three options?

Yes! Talk to Mr Sonny or Mr Henry about how you could use the additional time to help you focus on study or other commitments (e.g. sport) you have.

Can I do Business and Economics?

We do allow students to select both IGCSE subjects. However, you will be asked your reasons for wanting to study both. Make sure you have looked through the specifications for each such and know what will be covered.

Can I self study a language Nexus does not offer?

Yes, this will require a meeting between parents and the Learning Area Lead for Languages who will discuss if this is possible and what it is involved?

Can I change my mind about the options?

There is a window later in the year and at the start of next term when you will be able to request subject changes. However, at that point we will be limited by the class we have created in the timetable and cannot guarantee you will be able to change subjects.